Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Bangladesh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Bangladesh - Essay Example (Bangladesh Development Research Centre) The country has witnessed some stability on the political front from the start of the 21st century as compared to the 1990s when political turmoil and military interventions were the order of the day. Corruption and nepotism is widespread in the entire sub-continent. So the only way to make perceptible all-round progress happen is political will to discipline the bureaucracy. The only silver lining to the general average or below average economic and social performance is the micro-credit scheme introduced and managed by Nobel prize winner, Muhammed Yunus. Also, women in Bangladesh appear more enthusiastic about participation and progress whether it is economy or population control drive. The tolerance and compatibility shown by Bangladesh National Party (BNP) and Awami League, the two main political parties, towards each other in the past decade is one of the key factors in contributing to whatever growth has been perceptibly witnessed during this time. Bitter political rivalry between these two parties and their exploitation by the military since independence in 1975, have been the main causes of the country's woes. The presence ofThe presence of the United Nations and countries like Japan in Bangladesh serves to ensure accountability and order. It also provides the advantage of technological know-how and the scope for its application in the environs of Bangladesh. Poverty alleviation and reduction in infant mortality rates as of now are inextricably linked to projects undertaken with the help of the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, international agencies like the United Nations Development Program and donor nations like Japan, the United Kingdom, Canada, etc. (Masudul Hoq Chowdhury) Japan has played major role not only as a donor nation but also as nodal agency for other donor nations and NGOs in the efforts to mitigate Bangladesh's domestic obstacles in the areas of agricultural development, basic human needs, human resource development, infrastructure for investment and export promotion, and disaster management. Another factor playing a major contributory role in the country's progress is its increasing participation in world affairs. Bangladesh has been participating in UN-sponsored peace keeping operations in various disturbed regions in the world by pro-actively contributing its military personnel in these efforts. Bangladesh has also been making efforts to strengthen bilateral relations with its neighboring countries and other nations all over the world. It is also a source for good, cheap labor. (Japan's Country Assistance Program) 3. Traditional and new/novel remedies to promote development for Bangladesh. Traditionally, the country's major source of income used to be the jute industry, rice cultivation and fish farming. However,

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